Friday, June 8, 2012

little bunny vs. kitty cat

Hello bunny and kitty lovers :)

So this is my first time blogging.Yes that's right.I'm a newbie.So what makes me turn to blogging?You wonder~ LOL.
I have a bunch of photos taken by me and my little niece-all about our pets-animals around us-especially rabbits..because we have their haven on our house back :D well, we have cats too but..cats when then grew up then tend to kind of migrate :) let me show you some of our earlier experience with rabbits and cats~
The little rabbit we called 'Owlie'..nawww doesn't he look like an owl??well at least I think so :D
The newborn ginger kitties..I called them 'Ginger Bands' because of their color. So, what really happens when we put them together???

so cute :D they're snuggling together..oh well the kitty doesn't really look ginger to me though (sniff)